Anyone, "seriously" wanting to learn about Christianity?

Now, that I know the goal of certain individuals; within Yahoo! Answers (R&S section).;_ylt=AtKrIfaQgTsER8f4p672I5UjzKIX?qid=20070626105738AAHDGSw

I have decided to use my time, talents, and prayers; on those individuals seriously wanting to learn about Christianity. Please, do not hesitate to ask and I promise to do my best to answer. The Best Answer will be chosen from among those, who are wanting to 'learn' about the Christian faith.


All "drinking game" responses will be ignored, by me. No more wasting time, on those people who are not really wanting to learn about Christianity. After all, logically speaking, that is the purpose behind R&S -- Questions & Answers. The eternal condition of a person's soul is not a game and should not be treated as one.


Kira --

It is not what "I" think, feel, believe, want, desire; but about what G-d says. It is His Kingdom, not our Laws.

I do not want anyone to go to hell, that is why I reach out to people. If it were up to me, everyone on this planet who ever lived in harmony with those around them, would be in Heaven.

But it is not up to me, you, or anyone else; It is His Will -- His Word --- His Law. G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is the only one qualified to Judge all people. He has the right to decide who is or is not a citizen of that Kingdom.

"His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."


notdamonbradley --
The Bible is not a history book or a science book. It is only a conduit to spark and build a relationship with G-d. There are sections of information missing, because of that very reason; it is not a sequencing of the history of ‘man’ - was meant to be used that way. A myth is simply a culture which holds a creation story. I think Mythology is fascinating,

G-d created all things, but He used science to enable "creation" to take on and run its own course; through time and history. I do not presume to know the 'exact' amount of time; it took for this world and all things in, on, and around it to form. That is where my relationship with G-d allows my to accept the discoveries made by scientists.

While I believe the Bible is His Truth and the only way to salvation. I also know it is just a moral 'compass'; not meant as an interference of science or politics.

Faith is between the believer and G-d(Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). His Will Be Done.


Jedi Master --
I am not going to give anyone either thumbs up or down. That will be up to others who read each of the responses.

Now, the scriptures that you pulled out - very interesting that you think Sarah is 'actually' Abraham's blood relative. Just because he was "passing" her off as his sister, does not mean she actually was.

But unfortunatly there are instances in the Bible that point to things that can be misunderstood or confusing. It is for the believer and nonbeliever to remember we read the Bible, like any other book - through the entire chapter. Then we understand why those things are included. (Just like in any other piece of literature.)


LabGrrl [LabNinja] ---

Yes, this did start as a rant; there is no excuse for acting in such manner and I will not attempt to offer up any. I know it is not right or necessary to treat others in a manner, for which I do not wish to be treated. And I thank you for your straightforward honesty.

Hogie ----
A person does not have to be an ordained pastor or hold a degree in theology; to answer questions or help others. Tenets of other denominations, heresies, and other such things can be found; if one is willing to conduct the necessary research.

G-d being the "Trinity", that is an exhaustive subject; there are as many differences in beliefs about this as there are Christian denominations. However, there is also a way to search for and learn about all those differences.


Kittykat ---

I don’t rely on just one translation, having access to a variety, including Hebrew and Greek texts. As well as commentaries, because I think it is important to gain an understanding of what others have gotten from scripture. Looking at scripture from many different angles allows for deeper understanding and comprehension. I do not and have never relied solely on what ‘my denomination’ says about the Bible.

You ask a very tough question, there are two ways to handle this: (1) continue communicating to him how you feel, but do it in a caring and loving manner. Try to avoid making it seem like his way of life is of no value or that everything is his fault.(2) If it becomes necessary, try taking him with you to talk to your pastor / minister / religious leader. See if private church based counseling will help. And finally, pray and continue to pray; because it is obvious that you love this man very much. G-d’s blessings be with you and your family.


Kitty ----

There is a huge difference between Bugs Bunny and G-d.

To those who believe in Christianity, it is not about fictional characters. Many people believe in G-d, and daily others come to belief in Him.

If they are truly attempting to grasp an understanding of G-d, to believe that He is the creator, and His Son (Jesus the Christ) died for their sins.

What is wrong with me taking the time to answer those questions? It is not as though I expect you to answer them.


Jedi Master ---
I believe that your question needed further discussion and no I do not block or report others.

This is here not as a lesson on relationships, like marriage; but to show us the relationship between Abraham, G-d, and the promise given through Abraham to all nations. This promise is that believers in Him (G-d) have a covenant with, through, and by Him that will never be broken. And therein lies the meaning behind all of scripture, it is not meant as an absolute history or science lesson; but only to show situations in which G-d gave promises and did not break them. This does not mean that the people spoken of were never alive, of course they were, but an attempt to make connections were there are none, is our fallacy. Once people learn to read the bible in the way it was firstly intended, then that would bring about true faith. However, we all know this will not happen, due to our desire to put personal opinions into every aspect of this life; as well as the next.


Favorite Answer

Slowly we are breaking through to some.Now I block or report people who can't answer without being rude.I came here to learn more from Christians on this site.Lately though I see less and less real questions on here and I find myself looking at profiles before answering to see if they are "real".I am a baby in my faith compared to some and I just enjoy reading answers now more then asking questions.
God Bless


I couldn't agree more. As an atheist, one of my primary goals is to educate people about Christianity. I feel that anyone who truely understands it will come to the conclusion that it is just like every other mythology out there. Which isn't to say that is a bad thing. I love Greek mythology. I only wish Christian mythology was treated the same way so I could enjoy it too. Yet, so many people believe it to one extent or another and that pretty much ruins it.

When someone understands that Yahweh, the god of the bible, was part of a prior pantheon the hebrews worshiped, and was a god of harvest and war... the entire bible takes on a new perspective. It also helps to understand the astrotheological origins of the faith. Authors like Dr. Robert Price have done a lot to illuminate it.

To paraphrase price; "I love the bible, so I do my best to discover it's true nature. The religious folk are all stuck with one interpretation. I can look at the evidence and interpret it honestly because I'm not tied to any one dogma. If it turns out Jesus was based on prior sun dieties (which he was), that's no problem for me because I love the bible, not relgion."


A noble goal and task, but what makes you qualified to do so? Do you have any formal education in the field? Do you know and understand the basic tenets of Christianity, and do you know what the common heresies are and why they are wrong?

For instance, if one says to you, God is not a trinity, can you defend the trinity?

Be sure you are up to the task.



you obviously didn't read these or just chose to ignore them...

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explain this then:

11And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife's sake.

12And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.


20Cursed be he that lieth with his father's wife; because he uncovereth his father's skirt. And all the people shall say, Amen.

21Cursed be he that lieth with any manner of beast. And all the people shall say, Amen.

22Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.

23Cursed be he that lieth with his mother in law. And all the people shall say, Amen.


let me take a wild guess here. ANYONE that does not agree with what you are saying or that posts something that YOU cant answer will be thumbs downed and blocked???


12And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.

half sister. so marrying your half sister is ok with god then???


Your question is no different than asking if anyone seriously wants to learn about Bugs Bunny. Why would anyone need to learn more about fictional characters? Once we grasp the fact it's fiction, there's really nothing further to learn about it,

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