Anybody that...?

U used to be a fan of but u are not anymore
if who..
1. who is it
2. why did u stop being a fan
3. why were u a fan of him/her in the 1st place
4. and when did u stop being his/her fan
I got a few
1.John Cena -
2.Because he always over comes the odds and holds on the title for too long
3.Because he was a underdog, he had a cool gimmick then
4. Wrestlemania 22

2. Because he gets title shot after title shot and is always in the WHC title picture and never lets anybody else have a chance at the top and when i learned he treats his fans like crap
3. Because he was a good face
He is a powerhouse and is a great performer
4. Backlash 07

and there are others but im running out of room for details

And please dont choose Benoit because of what he did
1 Remember tell me which person your not a fan of anymore
2 The Reason u are not a fan anymore
3 Reason u were a fan of them in the 1st place
4. When did u start hating thating this person


well 29 your not getting a thumbs down from me
i gave u a thumbs up
Yes Orton is in my top 3 favorites but atleast u gave good reasons to hating him
If u just give great thoughts
u get a thumbs up
its not by my opinion

Legend Killer PAC OFC KFC OS 4HM2007-08-10T06:40:49Z

Favorite Answer

1. It's so weird saying this, but when Cena debuted in the WWE, I was a pretty big fan of his!

2. Because he got his new gimmick and he always overcomes all the odds and he's held the title for waaaaay too long!

3. Well, I usually love heels, so when I saw Cena in OVW (prototype) I really liked his gimmick and his attitude! And you know whats weird....when Randy was accepted into WWE, his last match in OVW was against Cena and the funny thing (that I do regret now) is that I had no idea who I wanted to win! Cena won the match though! At the time I was happy for him, but now I think differently of him!

4. I stopped being a Cena fan after WrestleMania 21, when Cena won the title! I was hoping for Cena to win the title from J.B.L because J.B.L had held it for so long, but if I knew that Cena would be the one to break J.B.L's title reign, I wouldn't have cared who won!

1. Batista! This...I was a big fan of his!

2. When he turned face and then went on to getting all these title shots......that made me think twice about Batista!

3. When he was in Evolution, I loved him! He was "THE ANIMAL!!!". He had a bad @ss attitude, I found him more entertaining and he was going for titles like the Intercontinental Championship and the Tag Team Championships instead of the World Championships!
Also in OVW, he had this great gimmick and he was in the stable "Disciples of Synn". He was then known as Leviathan.

4. Near Summerslam 2005 because that was Batista's title reign that went on for awhile!

Great Question!
Yeah, I've got others aswell, but these are the main ones!


First of all I think Kane needs to win a title because he hasn't had 1 since him and the Big show won the TTs!

1. Chavo Guerrero
2. Cos he ended the greatest underdog ever's title reign and then destroyed his leg!
3. He was a great friend to Rey and I felt bad when eddie died, chavo was the one who found him!
4. The great american bash 2006


1. Mick Foley
2. He said he was more hardcore than ever but I cant remember the last time he was in a hardcore match! He talks the talk but he cant walk the walk!
3. He was the hardcore legend!
4. The time he started becoming a big cudely teddy bear i think 05/06...

Koumidiator WRW VLR OS2007-08-10T06:47:01Z

2.Because he is pushed by WWE again & again.He has this year more title shots that Kane had in his entire career.There are a lot of young like Kennedy and Orton and old like Kane wrestlers that i think is time to push them to the top.It's getting boring all the time see him in the main event of a PPV to lose.That also goes for Cena
3.He is a powerhouse as you said and he has a lot of good moves.I liked him also as a heel in a Evolution.
4.At Judgement Day.At Vengeance was the only PPV i want him to lose(except at Wrestlemania where i was with Phenom's side)to Edge.And i hoped that this would be put him out of the top for a while,but i was wrong,cause he has another shots(GAB07',Summerslam07')


Hey no cena hatin questions

2.cause he teamed up with edge and gettin to full of himself
3.cause he became the youngest whc and he turned on hhh
4.cause he tries to kill the undertakers legend i dont think so

I have no problem with Cena or Batista

im still a fan of chris benoit for his great wrestling abiltiy in that very ring we watch on monday tuesday friday nites im still very sad at what happened that fateful weekend

Bill [borrowing]2007-08-10T06:31:59Z

1. Randy Orton

2. Because of all the rumors and accusations.. People may have think that this is pretty shallow yet coming from 2 people [amy weber and rochelle lowen]. Amy won't sacrifice her possible blooming career for just a fake accusation, something might really happened. Also, some wrestling news and I strongly believe now is his natural arrogance. Personality is a big factor for me. I will be expecting some thumbs down at this moment:-)

3. skills, belief in his success and I guess, I was moved for a while in his face character.

4. Around 2006. I have been holding for 2 years and all those negative remarks has overreached my capacity to support Orton.

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