Could you guys take a look at my site at

I am trying to improve my site as well as my photo taking skills. I'm not sure what I should do next. I want to thank all of you who have helped me to evolved me to this point thus far. I have asked this question a number of times and have made some of the changes reccomended to me. I'm still looking for more advice. Anything you could say; good or bad would be greatly appreciated. Oh and please sign my guestbook if you have time.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Favorite Answer

-make the bakround blak
-latter down ur taking about different things that r fotographed, near each paragraph have a small pic of it
-3rd sentence add an "it" to the end
-make each paragraph on the other side (pragraph 1 on rite, pragaph 2 on left, P 3 on rite, ect.)

-2nd sentence, my wife not the wife
-the scrolly thing up top is really annouyin

-the little moment-n-time thing shouldnt b in the middle of the photo, move it to a conor
*i <3 natures way*

-the boxes r messed up

TJ H2007-08-12T13:41:05Z

You have some beautiful photos.
As for the site:
~ You have a typo: "that though our photography" in About Us - assuming you mean through
~ You have a bright blue (or purple if clicked) link border around all your pictures, I find it distracting from the image, especially with a black background. I would switch to a white border or none at all.
~ There is lots of room for growth in your photo gallery. I would add more pictures, create a navigation bar for just the gallery with the catagories you talk about on your home page.


very impressive!
my favourite is 'natures way'. i love the whole idea of having the harsh stoney surround, and the beautiful water rushing past. i think you done it really well. get going!!!


