quik i need help geting out of the cave in karjama and im not a member and i only hav like 5 helth points left and its cralwing with skellitens and i can teliport till 15 mins so plees help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i hav a lot of good stuff with me witch costs like 5 or 6k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plees help = (
i need help quik hav a lot of stuff and im in karjama in the cave with 5 life points and its crawling with skelitins and im not a member and i cant teliport and im a lvl 25 and thers lvl 22 skelitens so pleees help and email me to tell the answer or u can typ it down ther but i cant talk to any1 on runescape becus skelitins r attaking me every 5 seconds sooooooo plees help = (
and ples dont steal my stuff if i die
and caleb i no you r going to steal my stuff
caleb if i log on the first second i even start i will die becus of the scelitens
i hav pop up stuff and mith stuf and ady stuff and you r going to steel my stuff and if u do ill report u caleb
nothing right now caleb logged off k
it dosent relly matter ther all the same!!!!!!!!!!
finly i need a new answer