Where is the "well funded machine" that "global warming deniers" have?

Can you find it on the internet? Can you even find a web site for good old "global warming deniers"? I can't.

"Now even the partisan-resistant public must acknowledge what conservatives have known for a long time: that Newsweek is driven by a leftist agenda, even if they won't acknowledge it themselves.

That can't be illustrated more clearly than by the magazine's cover story this week, titled "Global Warming Deniers: A Well-Funded Machine." Science writer Sharon Begley writes proudly and passionately in what she obviously thinks is an eye-opening expose' about the conspiring entities who "deny the science of climate change." ..."


How come I can't find a web site where we conservatives have banded together against global warming? What you will find is a lot of propaganda for global warming, not against.


It's clear to me that there are businesses that are going to make a ton of money off of global warming panic.


I appreciate the website from New Zealand.


On the Exxon Secrets link, I checked on several and don't see anything currently going on. One of them had this to say. "Accuracy in Academia has received $0 from ExxonMobil since 1998." I don't accept this as credible as there is no information as to where this came from.


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First, there is no machine or even an organization put together to "deny" this hoax. You cannot deny something that is not true anyway.

So where is this persons sources, or is it just another New Republic rag with the Big Lie.

I will tell you this, I have a much harder time finding a peer reviewed paper that supports AGW, seems as if there are NONE, so why do the delusional supporters of this myth keep saying the debate is over?

Could it be over because they have nothing but the big lie, which cannot be debated?

Yes the debate is over, the hoax has been revealed to be a LIE.


Dr. Jello, you have to be kidding. Re-education camps sounds like communist, socialist or facist states of the past. I would guess Dr. Jello that you are a left wing alarmist who is not really a Dr. or PHD and writes a lot of answers to those who do not know in order to induce a response or gather a flock or in this case induce propaganda for your benefit. Most of the pro AGW fanatics out there who call themselves scientists are rather people who have very little science background. In fact, I once had a discussion with an AGW supporter and found out during the conversation that his degreed expertise was in political science. It was very apparent in discussing science data that he did not and never will understand the big picture. Your last statement asking if audience would support government re-education camps for skeptics is almost laughable and signals you are not scientist nor understand the scientific process. You do understand scientific fraud and are a lemming yourself, following for the sake of following without any understanding of what and who you follow. The methodologies of your arguments are poor with even poorer metrics and no I am not a skeptic as I do not take seriously anything AGW proponents spew to the public. I look at only facts and the facts just do not support any theory the fanatics have stated thus far. Dr. Jello, you need to understand science better and promote the use of logic into your arguments. You will then see the entire picture, not just some left wing talking points that mean nothing.


Our ancestors must have been some serious polluters! I was reading an article yesterday about a prehistoric camp site 35 feet below the English Channel. Of course it was inhabited around the end of the last major ice age approximately 10,000 years ago. Funny how the earth has warmed and cooled for millions of years without any help from humans and now suddenly we are supposed to take credit for this and do something about it.

The Patriot2015-09-11T09:03:46Z

Headquarters for the climate denial cult


The web site below seems to have some good information on global warming that is anti- hype, but also is very scientfiic.

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