Why do we need 2 income just to get by?
In this country, why does an average american family need 2 incomes just to pay the bills and make a daily living?
In this country, why does an average american family need 2 incomes just to pay the bills and make a daily living?
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Sometimes its because people are living beyond their means. Other times it's because the cost of living is going up and our salaries are not going up to match the cost of living.
Its hard in todays world. I work a part-time job pulling in enough money to equal a full-time job as well as do home loans on the side making more money than my part-time job. However, to pay bills and have money for extra activities with my children, save and have a social life of my own and go out is impossible. I need a second income with out having to do the work myself. I will be glad when my boyfriend and I decide to move in together it will be a better life for both of us. He as well has a good paying job and has a hard time making ends meet. First I thought maybe I am living out side of my means but that's not the case. I want a better life and just have to work harder for it.
Simple. we live to the maximum of our credit.
Therefore we spend a large amount of our income on interest.
For example, a little over a hundred years ago, a mortgage was a rarity.
Relook at your lifestyle. Imagine what cash you would need if you had a smaller house, an older car, fewer clothes, etc.
Look at the "necessities" we have today, that didn't exist for our parents. somehow they survived.
Let's review. The politicians that you elect steal your money left and right and then tell you the government either doesn't have any more or they must tax you into the poorhouse to make ends meet. Who said greed, lies and avarice do not pay? Not a politician, that is for sure. In my opinion.
Because people live beyond their means. And because there are a lot of low-paying jobs for inexperience, uneducated and under-educated people.