It has come to my attention....?

that an answer I gave to a Beethoven trivia question was incorrect, yet I received a Best Answer. Being a man of honor, I am always willing to admit a mistake. Can you ever forgive me?

I will make it up to you all with dilligently researched answers in the future.


The correct answer to the question regarding the number of piano concerti Beethoven composed could be 6, 7, or 8. If you do NOT count the violin concerto transcription (because it was already composed) and you count the Eb Concerto WoO 4 (1784), there are 6. If you count a truncated concerto mvt in D from 1790, there are 7. If you count the violin concerto transcription, there would be 8. YOU decide.

This information was graciously (in a gentle, needling manner) provided by our excellent friend Mr. CubCur. And I sincerely thank him for that.

I feel that if we are to give information out in this forum, it should be good and reliable information. Once more, I apologize.


Favorite Answer

This is a difficult situation to resolve. However, I am inclined to stick to my choice that your original answer was correct. Although the op.61a was a transcription of the violin concerto, there are enough differences where one can call it its "own" piece. Regarding the concerto WoO 4 in E flat major, this is slightly more difficult due to the fact that Beethoven wrote for the piano and included some orchestral indications. Finally, the concerto in one movement in D major, is doubtful at best, that Beethoven is the author. Because this issue is somewhat inconclusive, if I had to choose the best answer, I would stick with 6 as the best.

Malcolm D2007-08-13T11:39:58Z

Careful Glinzek - you don't want to be labelled as a pedant. The answer of 5 is the most correct. The question was not how many piano concerti did he start, rather how many did he complete. Who knows how many other attempts ended in the trash. I think most scholars would agree that there are 5 piano concerti, with a few arguing that the violin concerto constitutes a sixth. The others are partial at best and as such really don't count, anymore than the romances for violin count as violin concerti (possible movements perhaps), but a one movement a concerto is not.
So don't be so hard on yourself - most of your answers are spot on.

the italian2007-08-13T11:21:34Z

It would be useful to know which question and what the right answer.

Later: For a moment I feared you had answered that L.v. was black (there are 10-15 such questions around). Let's do like this: if anyone pops up with an edition of 6,7 or 8 concertos by a pianist who had already recorded 5, you lose the points. I am sure this isn't a "can of worms".


including to the form of contributions for this question, enable me additionally upload my opinion. As constantly mentioned via each physique, it is interest first, then purely concentration. Why? a million) In mathematical term interest is a functionality of self sustaining variable, collectively as concentration is a based variable. until eventually we define our variable, the cost of based won't be able to be measured. besides, it is a common prepare, that infants considering that their start-hood are in the commencing up made to attend/concentration on us and our teachings. 2) interest is an act which very rapidly shifts from one to different and would not require any ability. purely needs the listening to/listening technique. 3) concentration is an journey of overall performance which relies upon on the guy skillfulness. to accomplish the activities effectively, one has to attend to it, then purely it is carried out satisfactorily.

fredrick z2007-08-13T12:56:42Z

I guess a criteria would be how many were originally published as piano concerti.

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