How many sinners have been created by faith?


Favorite Answer

each and everyone of them


We- as human beings - are all guilty of some type of sin or some form of wrong doing. No one has the right to judge one another unless they want to have others judge them. We each have to make choices because we have free will and must choose between bad and good.

We all have done somthing wrong. Faith does not create sin. If you are a Christian and read the Bible it states that we are all sinners and fall short. However having faith does not create sinners.


now see i think out side of the box.... i think that faith is good but religion, for the most part is damning the ones its trying to save... how many wars were religion based and how many churches judge the other for using a different method of prayer of the use of saints or what ever, how many ppl were killed during the spanish inquiition or at that in the war we are in as we speak? god, christ, faith, all wonderful things... even religion, as long as you dont take is too seriously. besides how light is the light when its not in the presence of darkness right?


simple: All sinners have been created by faith :)

no night without day,

no bad without good,

no sinners without faith :)


Good question!!!! Lots--religious freaks always try to claim that people are sinners because they did this or that. it seems like the people who condemn the most are always the ones who claim that they are following the word of "god". also, it is kind of funny because these religious freaks are "sinning" by calling others sinners!

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