Wofling down versus eating slow?

How agree that wolfing down our food instead of eating slow is one of the main reasons most Americans are over weight.

I know when I'm in a hurry and wolf down my food instead of eating slow. I'm starving to death thirty minutes later. Any body else like that?


Favorite Answer

my boyfriend eats his food way too fast, he'll be getting seconds and i havn't even gotten through half of mine. He also has stomach problems from eating like this his entire life.

slow down and enjoy your food!!


I'm just plain a slow eater. It's really bad when I'm out with my friends, I'm always the last one done. Even when I get my food like 15 minutes before they do.

JUAN FRAN$$$2014-07-22T09:47:49Z

some has to do with time at work to eat most likely. Get used to wolfing done your food when you have little time to eat. Know I have to force myself to eat slow when not at work.