please give simple answer?

All nine digits are arranged here so as to form four square numbers 9,81,324,576.
How would you put them together so as to form single smallest number and a single largest possible square number?


please write the method for getting the answer in simple language.


i give best answer if the answere is clear and simple and correct.


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Simple, since the value of the square of any number is directly proportional to the base, then the bigger absolute value of a number means a bigger square value.

To get the smallest value, the nine-digit number should be arrange in ascending order, while if you want to get the biggest value you should arrange it in descending order.

The smallest value is 123456789²
The biggest value is 987654321²


923187456 = 30384^2
I think that's the biggest.
I just did a search of all the numbers that when squared would form a nine digit number. Then check to see if all the digits (1-9) appeared once.


2, 576

MR. X2007-08-16T12:07:53Z

I think that it would be the number 2576.


Let me get a drink first

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