Maths or math?;_ylt=AtnOAV3Kp3Fe.jawGOHa_Uzsy6IX?qid=20070817091028AABZ0i2&show=7#profile-info-0ATLWglBaa
To all the people whom made fun of the user that asked the above question - here in the UK we say maths not math:)))
So yes she does know how to spell:)

Thank you


4x4 - yes you have received 20+ thumbs up your answer but don't you feel slightly silly now?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Favorite Answer

MATHS thanks mate =)




I agree. People seem unaware that the users here have such variety. Different countries, different languages, different ages, and different educational levels. Sometimes they pop off with flip answers that reveal that lack of knowledge and fail to address the actual question.


Good job bringing this up. I was a little disappointed at people making fun of her. People should learn more about American/British spelling differences, ignorance bothers me a lot. Thank you.

♥Saw Dust♥2007-08-17T09:28:38Z

I never made fun of her spelling....
I had one person tell me to use my spell check and was right irate about over the word favorite because we spell it favourite...krazy

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