James VS Paul?
Why do so many Christians blindly follow the teachings of Paul and not those of James? Paul may have met Jesus once and James was his brother. Don't you think his brother new his will better than a man that really didn't know him?
Why do so many Christians blindly follow the teachings of Paul and not those of James? Paul may have met Jesus once and James was his brother. Don't you think his brother new his will better than a man that really didn't know him?
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Paul (saul) claims to have met jesus in a vision.
James was indeed his brother and an authority in the temple.
dont forget that his uncle was Joseph (arimathea) a VERY wealthy man and roman merchant, also in the temple elite and a defender of him in the "trial"
My personal view is that paul and peter stole the legitimacy from james, and mary magdalene. he, james, was later executed and she fled to europe with joseph (arimathea)
James and Paul preached and taught the same Gospel, they just emphasized different parts...
Salvation is by, or because of, grace alone.
Salvation is by, or though, faith alone.
The evidence of a true faith are good works, namely love.
Those that claim to have faith, but do not love...have a "dead" faith, no true faith at all.
Paul focused on the first two in most of his letters.
James focused on holy Christian living in his letter, and specifically addressed the second two points above.
True Christians follow Jesus Christ.
They do not follow Paul, or James, or Apollos, etc.
And BOTH Paul and James taught this.
And either way, the only "teachings" we have from either of these men is in the Bible, which was inspired by God by the power of the Holy Spirit through these men.
One Spirit, One God, One Bible.
One Savior, One Lord.
One Way to Heaven.
Whether "blind" or not, a wise person "follows" Christ to Heaven.
Paul was a promoter and a publicist. James was a problem solver interested only in effective results. The people who met Paul remembered him and what he said. The people who encountered James remembered what he did for them but probably not who he was. Since talking is always easier than doing, guess who got a bigger following?
Daniel E
I know about James, but I am not aware of his teachings. Where does one find his teachings?
As far as Paul goes, he was a latecomer whose ideas appealed to certain later factions who promoted his 'philosophy' because it followed their own ideas. Remember that what is in the official New Testament was decided after 320 A.D. See the source below.
It is a common fallacy that James and Paul were at odds over works, but if you examine them carefully, they actually agree and compliment each other.
The works James is talking about are works that follow faith, and even Paul said faith expressed itself through love; works of love.
So they are the same. But some teach that the works James spoke of were works of the law. The context of James 2 disproves this, if one were to but read.