Desperate Housewives Season 4?

when does it start back? in Ireland?


Favorite Answer

last season America's episode of desperate housewives was on a sunday night while Ireland would then have the same episode on the tuesday night (2 days later). so they were running at the same pace. season four starts in the US on september 30, 2007. So we should get it on october 2nd (hopefully), or the following week on the 9th.


Really miss you ! The last time you said you are going to Pahang from Kedah, then ............disappeared ! Anyway, DH 4 is not good at all for your newest 'baby' ! You know better what are good n bad at this moment, right ? But if you insist of getting your hand on DH 4, Serend's answer is correct ! But, please watch it while your 'baby' is asleep only ! Welcome back !