I've just begun taking medications for MS. I'm curious as to how much I could save by buying my prescription in Canada. I know the FDA has their advice on it but there are also several large prisons who are buying their needs above the border. Does anyone have any ideas?
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I would hazard a guess that they would generally be cheaper, and there is no reason why I would assume that they would be any less safe.
Usually, brand name medications that are not available as generic drugs would be the ones where you could potentially save the most amount of money.
You can easily find (e.g. through the web) and call a pharmacy in Canada and ask them about the price. You'd be surprised how easy this can be. They usually accept prescriptions from your physicians in the US, and they are no less helpful and knowledgeable than their US counterparts.
You should also ask them where the drugs you want to obtain are manufactured. With the recent scares about foreign-made drugs and recalls that have made rounds in news circles, you should then make an educated guess whether you would go through with the transaction or not.
I would guess that Canadian regulations are probably better than Mexican regulations for protecting the consumers. However, I am totally speaking out of my rear end in this paragraph and if I am wrong and being prejudicial, then somebody more knowledgeable about this issue please post and correct me!
Prescription drugs in Canada and the US are equally safe. I have taken prescription medications for various reasons in both places and not had a problem. Some medications cost the same, while some generic drugs are less expensive in Canada.
Here is the most important part. I buy my asthma medications in Canada from a drug store that I physically go into and see, etc... I know it's a real Canadian pharmacy. If you were to buy medication over the internet, I don't know if you would actually be getting what you were ordering. Maybe it's a front company selling fake Chinese medications that really are pills made of drywall? Who knows. Personally, I would buy my medication where I am, so that I can see that my pharmacy is a real place.
In Canada, our federal government negotiates prescription drug prices on behalf of all Canadians. Drug companies have threatened to not negotiate with our government if we sell medication to non-Canadians (specifically people who are not actually in Canada when medication is bought). We also have rules where a foreign (US) prescription is not valid in Canada. For example, if I need a refill of Salbutamol, I have to get a doctor's appointment and my doctor has to assess me to see if Salbutamol is appropriate for my asthma. This makes sense and prevents foreign people from abusing our heath care system. Last year, there were several doctors in Quebec who had their medical licenses temporarily suspended for writing prescriptions so that foreign patients could get Canadian medications without being seen by a doctor in Canada. I think they deserved it. We are not here to help the US deal with its dysfunctional health care system. Instead of trying to fix it, Americans are placing an added burden on the Canadian health care system.
In conclusion, when I buy my prescriptions in Canada, in a Canadian Pharmacy that I can actually walk into, I'm sure that it's safe. I would not buy medication from the internet, regardless of where they claim the medication comes from.
Your best source of information on this would be (to start at) google.com; then look at the various sites on their lists. It's not a good question for Yahoo! But I can tell you this: Mexico's another place to try 'n' save on prescription medications. Listen: Mexico? Don't even THINK about THAT!
I'm in Canada. There was, in the last month, a study out comparing them. Try googling that, I guess. It said the brandname meds can be cheaper in Canada, but that the US has cheaper generics.
Be careful, there are many sites that will just take your money and either send you nothing or fake meds.
Here is how I decide if an on-line site is valid, it must have
1/ Guarantee on product quality (Country FDA approval) 2/ Guarantee on product delivery 3/ full selection of products 4/ Honest answers (FAQ's, product descriptions) 5/ details on each product's side effects (shows that they are not trying to sell you a product that might not be right for you) 6/ a real street address 7/ 800 number and on-line chat for questions 8/ a site that does not try and disguise itself as an information site when it is really just a sales site
and then I also want realistically low prices
LOW-COST-RX.COM is the site that I have used and trust