What to pack for a Western Caribbean cruise in December-January?

My husband and I are going on a Western Caribbean cruise around New Year's Eve for our anniversary. What should we pack for the weather there? We will be stopping at the Bahamas, Jamaica, and the Grand Caymans. We have our formal wear for Captain's Night, but beyond that, I am at a loss.


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Carry light layers for casual wear. they weather is usually nice and will range from the high sevnties and can drop to the mid 60s at night. The further south you go the less change you will see in temperatures. The light layers are for the evenings or in case of a cold front. Other than that its like regular summer clothing. The Bahamas is the northern most part of the Caribbean (we technically aren't in the Caribbean sea, but The Atlantic Ocean) and in December its usually still pretty warm during the day and comfortably cool at night (with the exception of cold fronts) so Jamaica and Grand Caymans should be just beautiful.


Pack for a hot climate with little chance of rain. Remember your sunscreen and apply it every time you go on shore. Take a sun hat and comfortable sandals for walking about. Make sure that you pack your bathing costume and a beach towel if you plan to spend time on the beach. You might want to consider snorkelling equipment, as there are some good opportunities. Otherwise, it is up to you what you wear. Most people wear casual clothes for wandering about the ship and going on shore, but there will probably be formal dinners on board when you will need your glad rags, so make sure that you check on this beforehand. You will probably enjoy the opportunity to go shopping on shore and even on board ship, where there are usually bargains on offer.


yay u going to jamaica my homeland. Anyway,you need swimsuits definately, marinas,shorts,sleevless shirts,light cotton clothes,just anything thats no heavy so u can keep cool.
enjoy urself


besides a swimsuit and shades, shorts, aybe a hat...what esle do u need, it the islands, it will be HOT,HOT,HOT.
seriously, i'm from and in cayman, its summer all year round summer attire is fine,

Fred S2007-08-27T20:02:14Z

any thing you would Ware in the summer