what do you think is needed in the country?

do you think you need to hang the corrupt politicians? do you think you need to phase out jeepnies to pave way to other modes of transportation? you think we need a civil war in order for the filipinos to know what is peace and freedom? do you think enough is enough? do you think there's a need to change the attitudes and actions of a regular filipino guy/ girl? your opinion counts, say what you think about the country.

Rode|ette ۩2007-08-27T19:34:31Z

Favorite Answer

more beer!

luosechi 駱士基2007-08-28T09:29:20Z

I will probably be crucified for my opinion, but here goes. First of all, OFWs hardly ever seem to have problems obeying other countries' laws which tells me that their attitude changes immediately if laws are enforced.
Secondly, from what I read below, some people think that they have a right to all sorts of things. A long time ago, a famous man came up with a word or rather an acronym TANSTAAFL = "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch". What does that mean? Simply that you get what you work for. A nation of beggars is not a good thing - if at a stoplight a boy or a girl comes to me wanting money, i let them know that they have to earn it by singing or dancing, or anything they're capable of doing. It helps them build up a pride in themselves. You don't get anywhere just by feeling sorry for yourself - there was another man who said "man, help yourself and God will help you" but first you have to try.

Finally, how to make more money than you are making now?... It's not by running a stand which sells the same stuff as your 50 neighboring stands. VARIETY is what you need. If you sell something different than your neighbors then customers will come only to you.

Ooooh - I'm tired of writing. Please forgive me for giving my opinion - but seriously, if you think that you're entitled to something you don't have, even somebody elses land, you're ripe for reading Karl Marxes Das Kapital.

annabelle p2007-08-29T09:14:42Z

Change... people's attitude towards how they want to improve their lives and their way of life; how to effect this change when one has no money, no educational attainment to speak of and, of course, scarcity of jobs even low-paying ones.

Change...not the system (there is no defect) but the people who implement and run the system.

Change...and revise some old or antiquated rules and laws that do not conform to the present or are not feasible in our present system of governance.

Graft and corruptions will never be eradicated, they will always exist - part of human frailty and greed. You change leaders and put new ones, the same thing happens.

So, what to do? As a start, the change must come first with each one of us. It's hard, I know, but it's a step in the right direction if we want a country that will be great again.


Actually what Filipinos need to do is love their country more. If Filipinos love their country, politicians would focus more on actually doing something for the country and not just all talk. If jeepney drivers love their country, they would care for their passengers and follow traffic rules enforced by the government. If Filipinos love their country more, they would not wage a civil war but rather change themselves first before blaming the government on everything.

In Japan, they are taught 3 things, love your country first, then your family, then yourself. In the Philippines, its love yourself, love yourself, love yourself.

Change has to come from within the Filipinos, love your country, follow the law, be compassionate to your fellowmen, don't tolerate corruption, e.g. bribing policemen for traffic violations. Don't be a passive bystander to what is happening in the country, be an example to all. If you want change do your part.


I totally agree with wandering_pinoy. What's needed in the country is discipline from the regular citizens to those in power. Everyone must have accountability and we should act conscienciously and always have in mind that what we do always affects others, even indirectly. We're too fixated with self-preservation, vested interests, with the easy way out.
The problem with the government is the system itself, like what kidnash had said. There's no transparency that's why those in it can get away with mischief. Government officials forget the reason why they're there in the first place, and that is to serve and not be served.

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