How can a corporation effectively enforce drug policy if the HR Director/Risk Manager is on drugs?

The HR Director/Risk Manager is the same person.


Thank You AlexAtlanta but I do NOT do drugs and the person is directly impacting/influencing my life.

However, by title, it is also the person responsible for scheduling random drug tests.


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I believe that it is possible to report him/her, if it is deemed a serious enough problem (to the Police, if need be). You can try to confront him/her if you like- I'm not sure how responsive your HR Director/Risk Manager will be. .but you can try. Perhaps recommend "Drug Intervention/Treatment" to your "Boss". This person does truly need help.


Someone else's failure to comply with rules does not relieve you of your responsibilities.

You agreed to the policy as a condition of employment. You are responsible for fulfilling YOUR obligations. You have no right or reason to worry about other people's obligations. Their breach of the agreement is between them and your employer. You are not involved in their employment agreement.

Why would you possibly care about other people if they are not directly impacting you, your life or your job? Don't use this as an excuse to do drugs. Such an excuse would be pathetic.


The drug policy is set in place to aviod lawsuits, not to foster a cleaner socioty. If someone gets hurt, or in law trouble, they will be drug tested/fired. Including the HR Manager.


It's totally hypocritical. Why is it that only the people at the top don't have to be drug tested? I guess it's the same reason why the politicians who make these drug laws are on drugs themselves.


Is the accounting department 'not so good with numbers', too?

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