Can you get more than one "Veterans Administration" VA loan in your life if you're a vet?

I thought you could only do it once.
Does the VA loan mean you can skip private morgage insurance?


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you can have more than 1 va loan in your life time.

if you buy a home and use our VA loan then you cant have another house with a VA loan.
Once you sell this house or refinance OUT of this va loan..then you can use it again
You can also sell your home and give it to the new buyers...but you cant use it again until the buyers refinance out of it or sell the home.
if you sell a home to a veteran...then he can use his eligibility...and you can now use yours again


It's not opening for me, but they need to do something. If this is the initiative dealing with traumatic brain injuries for soldier's who were involved in IED, mortar, etc. attacks, then I think it's about time they do something. I've been out of the Army for a year now, served 17 months in Iraq, had my share of all the non-sense that you get over there. I came back and got diagnosed with several fractured vertebrates after I complained of back pain. The Army didn't treat it, took an MRI the day I was discharged and told me they'd send the results to the VA. One year later I still haven't been treated, or seen the results of the MRI. I go to the rep once a week, and get the old "We're working on it man, just be patient..." The VA needs to pull their head out of their @$$ and start helping people. Hopefully new initiatives mean they are taking a step in that direction. edit====> Oh, it's for a website. It's not opening, so I don't think it works. But all my previous griping about the VA stands still.


Well I have to disagree. I have clients that have had more then one. The first loan has to be satisfied completely. They you have to go to the VA and get your eligibility again. But YES you can have more the just one.


Yes you can, as long as you paid off your VA loan, you should get your VA certificate for a new loan.


Unfortunately not. Only one VA Loan is allowed.

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