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I am not scared. But I'm aprehensive. Technology is fun and profitable. But I think humanity has been marveling in technology too long and it's putting people to sleep. There are other things that need to be taken care of. The internet has given everyone a voice, it's time for the people to take over. If you fear the fact that people are in awe of technology and have accepted it, you have made the first step into becoming part of the solution. Good question.
I'm pretty excited but at the same time apprehensive at how advanced Japan had been in developing robots . Maybe one day in the near future our jobs will be at stake because of these technological advancements .
I'm not scared of advancing technology. I am scared of misuse of new technology, especially in this era of reducing personal liberty and safeguards, reduced by politicians beating up terrorist threats so as to be able to defeat political opponents.
No, never...We have come a long way from the days of our Grandparents or even our Parents for that matter, in regards to technology...I marvel at the next piece of technology they will come out with...I hear there's a new IPod soon to be released...???
Nope. That advanced technology will keep us safe from foreign invaders!