why do mosquitoes and leeches suck blood?

credo quia est absurdum2007-09-06T06:10:04Z

Favorite Answer

Female mosquitos use blood in the development of their eggs.
Leeches are just hungry.


For mosquitoes blood is required for reproductive success.

For the leech blood is food, fir it's survival.

Zoe E2007-09-06T09:42:12Z

well mosquitos suck the blood and replace it with protazoa which can then cause malaria, unless you have sickle cell anemia or the trait this way you become immmune to malaria but have sickle cell, leeches suck the 'bad' blood that is decompsing going brown basically, they ont suck fresh blood which is a common miscomseption

My Final Answer2007-09-06T06:16:43Z

Nature cheated on the mosquito by making a probosis instead of a mouth, thereby having the sucker tank up blood instead of a big mac. As for the leeches, how cruel to have a micro-mouth and unable to swaller a triscuit.


Adult mosquitos actually eat the nectar of flowers. But mosquito babies need protein, not sugar, to grow. So their mothers feed on blood. Bloodsucking mosquito moms find you by sensing your body heat and breath. Then, with their proboscis, they drill a hole through your skin, into a capillary. Their saliva keeps the blood from clotting while they drink.

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