Do you believe your god punishes people with illnesses and hardships?
Mainly because they don't believe in your god, or your flavor?
Then how do you come to grips with the fact that people, good moral, nice people, within your church or religion struggle with the same things???
Things like cancer, children dying in accidents, acts of nature or war? How can you justify saying, "an atheist I know has incurable cancer given to him by god".
I truly am curious if anyone can explain this whacked out thought process to me?
To all the believers, and non-believers, thank you for verifying that thinking a "god" (or god-like entity) would be so spiteful to punish the innocent, or guilty, is crazy.
I KNOW it is, just wanted to see if those that DO believe this could justify their reasoning, as you can read, they can't....
To those that believe illness and hardships are caused by Satan, please send me the passage in the bible that tells you THAT. Still how can you reconcile it's "Satan's" fault when it comes to innocent children who could not have "allowed" Satan into their lives? That logic is a skewed as blaming it on god. I wonder if you cheated on your spouse if you would transfer the blame for that too, oh wait, of course you would, as personal responsibility and things just happen don't enter into your thought processes.
Lakota Bob, though I love the fact you are rational enough to realize it is not "god", you are kidding yourself about pollution being the problem. People were having accidents, being struck by lightning and getting sick thousands of years before pollution was even an issue...
Christy - I said "your god" for two reasons.
1- I don't have a god I bow too,
2- I wanted my question to be open to those of ANY faith (or lack thereof)
What a separatist, holier than thou statement, "there is one god".
And btw, SATAN is made up by the church. Historically speaking Jesus NEVER once mentioned him in any of his sermons. Why, because Satan did not exist until the CHURCH needed to put a big fear into people to control them. Jeesh, do any Christians ever crack open a book that does not offer a view not written by the church or its minions?
Smile your statements contradict themselves so I have a hard time following your logic.
And the "no one believes what I believe" implies that your thoughts are the first ever in human existence, I find that hard to believe. And I have studied many of the world's religions, hence I ask "your god" as my question was open to anyone of any faith (or lack thereof--but I knew what the atheists thought).