Expiry Date?

If food and medicine has expiry date printed on the label, how come cosmetics and fragrances don't have? Since it is not indicated. how long can we stock them and still use them in perfect condition? For example - lipstick, liquid moisturizer, lip balm, eye make-up, liquid concealer, bottled perfume, sponge etc.
If still in use but not yet used up, how long can we keep using it?


Favorite Answer

most of these cosmetics can only be used within 3months upon opening. so as long as you stock your cosmetics with their seals on, you can still use it even after 3months, till a year i guess. but if your cosmetics were already open you have to use them within 3 months.


actually many cosmetics and fragrance do have a little picture of a jar with a lid on it that will say like 6M or 24M or whatever, that says how many months after you bought it that you can use it for.

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