When you listen to our Congress talking about the war in Iraq?

do you get the impression that they have no idea of what war is really about.


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With a few honorable exceptions, Members of Congress are clueless on war.


Absolutely! They don't know, or very few of them do.

The nature of modern warfare has changed dramatically, and our congress is still trying to fight World War II, not international conflict in it manifests itself in modern times.

You can plainly see this because they are attempting to apply military force in a situation that cannot be solved primarily by military force.

This is why we will lose in Iraq unless someone up there starts listening to the younger better informed, more visionary military men who are writing on this subject as we speak.

Bush isn't listening to his "Rommel", he is listening to his General Haig.


Yes, most of them have never served in the military, they also have no clue on how to fix the situation, if they had complete control. Most Americans would support a wider war on terror if there was another terrorist attack on our soil, but until that happens, a few out of touch citizens and politicians will continue to blast the government until they get their way.


One thing is for sure Bush and Cheney do. They both served with honors during Vietnam and both served 3 tours of duty.
I think there are members of congress unlike anyone in the Bush Adminstration (now that powell is gone) who actually have served in combat.


I think they just want to create as much confusion as possible. Create doubt & it'll be much easier for new people to get elected. Problem is, we're too busy figting like divorced parents to see that we're only hurting ourselves in the quest to be RIGHT.
Whatever happened to United We Stand??

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