What to do with a baby drinking too much formula?

I have a five month old that has started drinking over 8ozs every bottle feeding (I now have to make two bottles:one 8oz and one 4oz) to fill her up. If I don't then she is crying for more in an hour. Her doctor said to try her on baby cerial but she doesn't like any of it! I have been trying all diiferent types for a month now.
We even had her tested for worms! But it came back negitive and she hasn't lost any weight.
Before you ask she is not over weight or anything like that. The doctor says she's a very healthy baby.
I have tried distracting her and playing with her but that doesn't help either...
Any ideas?


Everyone keeps talking about her sleeping but she she goes to bed between 7-8pm and doesn't wake up until 6am. She just doesn't sleep during the day.


She doesn't get gasy or anything from the cerial, she just refuses to eat it.


Favorite Answer

As my daughter became more and more hungry we tried to get her on solids and she wouldn't cooperate! We mixed some fruits with the cereal and she'd eat a little but not enough, so our doctor suggested we mix the cereal into her formula and feed it through the bottle. you have to get the nipples with a large opening so it doesn't get clogged. This way you are thickening the formula filling the baby up and introducing her to solids on her time. :)

Proud Mommy2007-09-12T09:21:08Z

Did the doctor say it's too much formula? How often does she "eat"? How many ounces total is she getting in a day? At 5 months my son was consuming about 30 - 35 ounces a day and our doctor said this was fine.

If her weight is ok I wouldn't worry about it. If she's hungry, she's hungry and you should give her what she wants/needs.

I wouldn't worry about the cereal right now. The formula actually has more fat and calories in it and will fill her up better than the cereal.

In the mean time, to simplify things a bit for you, look on the back of the formula canister. Generally there are instructions to make a large batch of formula that will keep in the fridge for up to 24 hours. I found this to be a huge time saver rather than making individual bottles at every meal. I made a double batch and whipped it up in the blender to get rid of any lumps. All you have to do at meal time is pour a bottle and heat it up in some hot water.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!


Only give her 8oz, whether she cries or not. Although she may not want her cereal you should keep on trying, she'll come around. You can mix alittle formula into the cereal so that it'll have some of that formula taste that she's used to, then gradually put less and less formula each time until there's not more to put in. I started out with rice cereal with alittle formula, and she ate it all up. It takes time to go through the transition of trying out some new foods.


She should be eating - mash some carrots, potatoes, peas or buy some baby food to supplement the formula. Mashed bananas for breakfast, or Gerber fruit with cereal, mashed up carrots, peas, for lunch and same for dinner, this way she will be full and only need 4-6 oz of formula. Plus you'll sleep better at night

Born Country2007-09-12T09:15:21Z

Just cut herr off at 8 oz and keep trying the cereal, mix it with baby food jars like bananas! 8 oz is definately enough and she will eventually start eating the cereal! Good Luck!

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