What happened to the stars?

when you star someone the question shows up in your stared list, So, what happens to the starred birthdays and people that ask for star? I didn't see them in my list.


Favorite Answer

That's weird.

Maybe that question got deleted so they did not show it on your list. Some person who always follows the rules on Yahoo! Answers probably reported the asker because asking/begging for stars are against the Community Guidelines.


you are able to desire to in straightforward words factor out the be wakeful 'celeb' in a question, and BAM! you have have been given a minimum of two stars. I hadn't reported the decline, to be straightforward. I celeb questions that i hit upon exciting, or my contacts questions. various circumstances, it in straightforward words does no longer take place to me to celeb one.

ask me a2007-09-13T18:37:06Z

you got two stars for this question?