Chance to make history with Barry Bonds homerun ball?

So, most now the ball sold for $752,000. The buyer, Mark Echo a designer, wants us to decide what he is going to do with it.

Vote here and then hop on over to and vote for real.

Here are our choices for what to do with the ball:

1. Bestow it, give it to Cooperstown

2. Brand it, with an asterisk then give it to Cooperstown

3. Banish it, he will launch it into space.

Go vote and let us know what you voted!


Favorite Answer

give it to the hall they need it


send the ball to Cooperstown, put an asterisk on Echo, and launch Barry Bonds into outer space lol

da raiderzzzzz2007-09-25T00:14:59Z

Send it to Cooperstown... Asterick my @#% , if steroids makes you that good then why is no one else near him in many records... He was a beast when he was little and in Pittsburgh and still a beast in San Fran... Did he take...I don't know...Is he the only one if he did... hell no!!! Jason Giambi and Jeremy Giambi allegedly used the same stuff, we know about Jason, Jeremy is known for getting thrown out at home on the Derek Jeter flip play in the Playoffs against the A's ( A Bum)... Still gotta have talent!!!


right now I'm going more with 3. "Banish it, he will launch it into space." it should be interesting to see it on a rocket, blow that S**t up

Gilberto c2007-09-22T13:57:14Z

save it until Barry is retire and negotiate ,make some out of it And if you refuse give it to the Cooperstown / HOF, and be part of history also.

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