An easy and inexpensive way of obtaining a used MLB baseball and having it signed by a specific team member?
....please I am serious about this question as I'd like to surprise a good friend with a MLB baseball signed by his favorite player. So...only serious answers that I can use. Thanks.
Hang out in the stands, bleachers, during batting practice and get one of the players to throw you a ball. That way, you have a game used ball, rather than one you simply purchase. Then, many ballparks have a parking lot where the players park their cars. I have found that some guys will take the time to stop & sign around the fence of the parking lot, since there are less fans there and the game is over, they have showered and are more relaxed.
I would have to ask what player are you after cuase the better they are higher their price and some players dont even sign autographs. I have been to 11 cubs games in the past 2 years and only gotten around 8 autographs and that was actually two days of the 11. I would have you go on ebay and look their. type in the name of the player and find autographs. they are going to be around 30.00 and up (depending on the player you want) good luck
There is not really a good way to do it. Most MLB stars are under contracts with sports memorabilia companies and command specific prices for signed goods. Your best bet is an ebay auction or paying the shot.
I would go buy a baseball - they are not that expensive. Then I would go to a game and hope to get an autograph during batting practice. Some teams have times that they set aside for autograph sessions. You can check a team website by going to and then scrolling to the team you want and clicking on that. It will then take you to the official team site. Getting a "used" baseball - unless you are going to personally catch one or try to get some player to cough one up after a game of catch during warmups, forget that.