Did Alley Oop lead to reports of meteorite fumes making people sick?

A stinky meteorite just fell in Peru, making hundreds sick. Is this for real, or do the locals take just their comics too seriously? Alley Oop et al's Aug-Sep 2007 adventure was to save Moo from the toxic fumes of a meteorite. A pure coincindence would be mind boggling.


Favorite Answer

Congratulations! I think you've solved the mystery of this very strange news story. Comic strips are prepared weeks in advance, so it looks very likely that this is all a hoax inspired by Alley Oop.


There probably was no stinky meteorite just pathetic and stupid journalists who would know the difference between a meteorite and a melon.


it could be an of the elements or thousands of compunds that smell bad. it could even be sulfur, that seems like a likly explaination.

and it doesnt need to bea stinky meteorite. it seems more likely that the meteor hit something stinky underground.