What is "happy?"?

Is there anyone out there who honestly isn't "depressed?"

If it's you, what is it that keeps you going? I know I've got to keep breathing, but I just don't feel like it most of the time.

Please don't tell me to "get help." You go ahead and do it: just tell me what's better about the state of life than not-life. Yes, I've felt euphoria when I helped someone else and they reacted positively, or when I thought I was going to die but didn't; but that's not happiness, and it doesn't last -- and I don't have the energy to keep doing ever-more-dangerous things. The high isn't that great, you know.

Please don't go Baker-acting me; this is not new, and I'm no danger to anyone; it's just been the way I've felt since I started thinking about what life is good for -- decades.

...and if God wants me to be happy, He could make me that way, so don't give me that line.

Yes, I do have feelings. I feel sad when I see others in pain, but I don't feel sad for me -- it's just empty.


Favorite Answer

Right now, I am not depressed, but I'm certainly not entirely happy.

What keeps me going is curiosity: I can't stand the thought of not being able to see the rest of the world, or my kids succeeding farther than I have, or the next Stephen King book, etc.

Sometimes revenge or spite keeps me going: the chance to "show you" . I don't mean physical revenge, but mind games can be quite amusing (but of course, I didn't say that!)


I believe that happiness can only be measured by sadness. I also have this void of emotions- i don't care if i'm happy or sad, but care if others are. The only thing that makes me "happy" is the joy that I find on others (human and animal's) faces. To escape from the numbing feeling of despair, I bury myself in the fantasy world of books and movies. I also am a work-aholic. But it does catch up to me and I guess it's the curiosity of what will happen in life that keeps me going. I am persecuted for my religion and revel in my differences from the majority of society.

All in all, happy is a way of fooling shallow people into ignoring reality. Everyone is "depressed". And the true question is "What is emotion?"


im not depressed. I am stressed and theres a lot on my mind, but i get through it. I try to look forward to the things that are exiting and fun. I love hanging out with friends and playing lacrosse, so i look forward to the weekends and to practice.
times can get rough, but take a breath and always have something to look forward to.


everything has its own purpose, all of us can't predict the reality in our futures life...just go on with it..do good and your in the right path..your kind a pathethic!


Very good point. I don't even have an answer!