Completely Ridiculous Question of the Day #24 .......... ?

What would things be like if people didn't ask random, important or ridiculous questions here in P&S?

W♥ Knit Twit ♥P2007-09-20T18:57:52Z

Favorite Answer

Boring and I'd be sleeping instead of enjoying myself on Yahoo!Answers. And how would I learn so much?
By the way, how is the advertising business going?


Hmmmmm.....there are too many things wrong with your question. 1. This whole "acting ghetto" thing. There is no such thing. Please, tell me how you stereotyped people in order to come to this conclusion. 2. I am white. I live in the suburbs. My parents are middle-upper class. Thus, I have a good life and it's impossible for me to have any hardships? Sorry, but you don't know me or my life story, so saying I have no hardships in my life because I'm a white, suburban kid with middle-upper class parents is extremely ignorant. You cannot deny that you said EXACTLY that. Here is my proof: "ALL little white kids in suburban schools now think its cute and trendy to act ghetto and they literally try to find any reason they can to act like they have a "bad home life" so they can over react to things and get sympathy from other people." 3. You claim that you "feel the entire human race is going down the toilet." I mean, not to rain on the parade here, but the fact that you seem to believe all of the questions people post on here is what's worrying me. You see, people post questions about a 13 year old being pregnant and in a serious relationship since 10 all the time (or similar ones), but they just ask them for the hell of it. You should know (as the superior, smart person you claim to be) that the majority of these questions are actually not true. It's common sense. You say that you are insulted by when people post things about their supposed hardships. On the other hand, maybe I myself am insulted that you believe that they aren't worthy. The superiority complex you display in this question is sickening. I could make a case that "the entire human race is going down the toilet" just based on your extreme stereotypes and superiority complex.


After a hard days work and dinner we might be sitting on our front porches talking to each other. Mom would bring out some cookies and a pitcher of lemonade. When it got dark we'd go back in the house to listen to the radio, play Monopoly or read a book. Boring, huh? No one thought so at the time. Most everyone was too busy all day and then too tired to think of being bored. No Internet of course, no television, fewer labor saving devices, and a different day and time.


Well on my little branch of the Yahoo tree, it would be very boring. I enjoy answering people's random, important, or ridiculous questions. I even like answering the stupid ones. LOL

Angel of Death says F-IT!2007-09-20T19:16:45Z

Very Very boring. I love to answer all of those questions. I think we need the All Naked Question of the Day as well.

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