What does the french word pronounced 'Me-shell' mean?

A french guy called me "Me-shell'. lol.. And I was wondering
did he forget my real name or does it mean something in
french.? lol...

Lupus Mortis2007-09-21T02:26:27Z

Favorite Answer

Michel (m.), Michelle (f.), (Michael, Mike) from Hebrew 'mika El', means 'like God'.


Michele is a girl's name in French and used in English.
If he was referring to the Beatles song " Michele ma belle sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble"
Michele my lovely one, these words go together so well.


It sounds like he did forget your name. Me-shell is the french pronunciation of the name "Michelle."Nothing more.


it's spelled Michelle and it's like a name, right

helen m2007-09-21T02:17:50Z

Sounds like he forgot your name.

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