Why do men refuse to get to know a woman without making a big deal about her looks first?
This is not a put-down towards men, I am just curious. I have had friends tell me that men will refuse to even speak to them on the phone without seeing a picture first. While a woman would be at least willing to speak to a guy. Is the male/female chasm really the wide? A woman would rather get to know a guy while a guy isn't interested in getting to know a woman if he does not think she is cute? No meaness please. I am just curious.
Favorite Answer
Unfortunately men are visual creatures. They cannot help but stare. Its shallow but true.
Honestly, men are visual creatures. We all see somethingg physical in a women that draws us to them. If a guy says that he was drawn to you because he heard you speak or he likes you for your kind soul...run..he's after more than he says. We all want relationships, we just tend to use the physical for starters. Women do this too. If they feel their friends wouldn't approve..some nice guys have lost out for less. We both tend to be a little shallow at times
you're actually not very far from the truth.............scientifically men are attracted to women visually speaking, meaning that they will do things for more cuter and more attractive women......Women on the other hand, scientifcally speaking, are generally more attracted by what they hear, so they tend to be more attracted to someone that gives them a lot of compliments.