6th grade teacher not wearing a bra?

my 11 year old son asked me why some women wear bras and some don't. i explained to him that most women when they
get older usually do. he said well my social studies teacher doesn't. i asked him how he knew and he replied that the bent
over in front of him and he saw everything. and it was discusting. (good thing for now i guess lol )

wednesday is open house , i was going to mention to the teacher what my son saw. my husband said not to say anything because she might get embarrassed or resent my son in some kind of way. should i keep my mouth shut? or
let her know..

Heather K2007-09-23T12:57:57Z

Favorite Answer

Normally, I would say to go to the person first, but this is tricky. I almost wonder if you should go to the principal, or a school counselor first. Was this a single incident, or does she make a habit of it? Maybe if it's a one-time thing, it doesn't necessarily need to be addressed? But no matter what you decide, I don't think Open House is the place or time. There will be other people around and the teacher could already be stressed or frazzled. Maybe arrange a few minutes of privacy with the teacher, but I suggest having your husband or the principal there, just so none of your words or intentions can be twisted.


Yikes, what a touchy subject! I think this would be better-suited for the principal than it would for the teacher. Your husband is right- even the most professional of us might be too embarrassed to get over being told by a parent that we need to wear a bra (which is something I personally can't get away with- must be nice, lol). I think discreetly talking with the principal about it is a much better approach. Stress that you'd like to remain anonymous and that you're not trying to get the teacher in trouble- you just want her to dress appropriately for work since it is clearly a distraction for her students. Hopefully the principal will address the matter without even having to tell the teacher that parents have talked about it.

Miss Coffee2007-09-24T13:03:02Z

I would talk to her in private on the phone or after school not at open house. It is very inappropriate if she is not wearing a bra no matter what her size is. And honestly if you are a 6th grade teacher the shirts should not be low enough to show everything, period.
Dress how you want outside of school but you should not be able to see completely down her shirt in any shirt she wears to teach in especially to 6th grade students.
Call and leave her a message to call you but do not say about what or go in after school and discuss it with her. I think bringing it up at open house is not going to go well considering she has all the other parents to talk to as well.


You should talk to the principal. The principal can keep an eye out and say something to her if she is indeed not wearing a bra. It could be she was just wearing a push-up or a flimsy one and your son didn't realize. But even then she needs to change her wardrobe if she's flashing the kids. You never know what these teachers are doing these days.


thats just crazy because a teacher is already considered an adult she does need to wear a bra

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