What do you think of when you hear the word "Aliens"?

I have an idea for Halloween yard decorations with an alien theme. I've already incorporated crop circles, a space ship, and little green men.

Can you think of anything else that is alien related?


Favorite Answer

the strange thin metal that was supposedly found at Roswell


the Alien and Aliens movie.

Did you ever see DARK STAR? It's alien looked like a beach ball with measles, sort of.

The THING ( the John Carpenter movie)

there are also the little gray men.

Don't forget Roswell, and Area 51.

alis volat propriis2007-09-23T19:08:32Z

I think of my cousin Jose, who just got sent back by La Migra again.


i think about how funny it is that aliens are people who come from a different country and then there are those who come from outerspace and how everyone know it as the ones who comes from outerspace its funny


your mom being abducted by them.