Does A-rod look good in black and orange?

A-Rod has expressed his fondness with San Francisco. During the all star game the fans of San Francisco expressed their desire for him to play saying he'd look good in black and orange. A-Rod took in the idea, but will he come to the Bay and be the new face of the franchise? Yankees have Jeter to be the face. Cmon A-Rod the Giants would love to have ya. You might find yourself retiring here.


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Because of the report that came early this week, I dont see ARod going to the Cubs. They were a viable option, but if he goes to the Cubs now, then they can expect a big legal battle from NY.

I think A Rod makes a perfect fit in SF. They cleared room through Morris and Bonds and should be willing to offer him the moon.

If he doesnt go to the Giants, then getting rid of Barry in his final year would make no sense from Sabean's stand point. They need a new guy to fill the seats, and throughout the MLB, there are only a handful of guys that can fill that role. A Rod is one of them. If he is wearing anything other than a Giants uni next year, I would be surprised.

Delivery Man2007-09-25T17:13:39Z

He looks good in pinstrips, the cubs pinstripes. This is why, he wont go back with the Yankees unless they win the World Series, and that wont happen. San Fran doesnt seen good to me becuase he'd have nobody around him and he'd be very frustrated too easily. Finally there's the perfect fit the Chicago Cubs. Imagine Lee, soriano, Ramirez, Then probably A-Rod at SS. Now that's a line-up and the Cubs have the money to pay for him


This RUMOR got started by Steve the talking head Phillips on ESPN..then two Bozos that do a nationally Aired Radio show from the Bay area picked that up and couldnt shut up about it.... Dont get your hopes up....This will IF it happens be just like when the ORIGINAL FATHEAD was with the Giants...Noone to bat after him so no hits for AROD...Do you honestly think AROD doesnt see this....He wants be on a contender, or at least keep adding to his LIFETIME #s

#1 New York Yankees Fan2007-09-25T17:12:40Z

If Bonds isn't staying in San Fran A-Rod has no reason to go. Why would A-Rod want to go to a losing team when he has way better options like the Yankees, Sox, Cubs, Mets, or Tigers who will obviously offer him more money!


Come to Philly A-Rod. THOSE are some pinstripes to think about. Imagine him in Citizens Bank Park!...60 HR's a year.

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