Does anyone have any answers to global warming outside the normal stuff?

I understand we need to build atmospheric clean up machines, solar power turbins, small hydro-electric plants, electric cars, air powered cars, clean up our forrests, electric conservation and effeciency, recycle and use ethane for fuel. For more information on these topics go to


Favorite Answer

Global warming basically has been caused by the Industry of America and pollutants that destroy the ozone layer. There are several solutions to solve this, but it will cause a major change in the way society depends on the industry.

Keep in mind that this earth has been here for millions of years and you would think in that time if the ozone was destroyed we would burn up by now, but it was not discovered until the glaciers were changing in form and melting down. This discovery eventually led to the common man and his industry all over the world is too blame and if we are to combat this problem we need 100% from every Corner of the earth and every country to this nation to fight this problem or were just doomed in the future and I probably won't be alive to see it, but our children's children needs future on this earth so yes it's a major catastrophic issue that will eventually explode this earth.


Want something really different?(I enjoy a challenge)

How about a house powered by rainwater? Solar isn't going to work, too much cloud cover, so it isn't economical for most areas in the Northern hemisphere. Wind is cheaper but not reliable. Building a structure around a central conical water tower would provide enough head to drive a small turbine.

How about the device I'm trying to market which automates hypermiling.

Let's mine the excess energy in the oceans due to Global Warming. (browse Norske Hydro) While at the same time protecting sensitive coastlines and using the power for desalination plants and irrigation of arid lands.

What about using Silicon and Carbon fiber as energy conduits that are passive, no need for pumps or generators.

And the most money will go into developing better batteries, perhaps even organic batteries that don't need to be recycled, they can be disposed of in the garden.

There are lots of ideas that are still in the development stages.


The answer could be quite simple. Develop a method of combining hydrogen with the CO2 then you'll get water (H2O) and if the right hydrogen derivitive is used hydrocarbon atoms which could be used as a fuel source.
Problem solved.
To reduce ice melt at the poles, float giant white rafts on the water to reflect the sunlight and heat.


allow the natural process of warming and cooling to occur. they were growing grapes in iceland during eric the reds time. the sun is going through a solar cycle right now, dont you think that might have a LOT more of an impact on the planet than us humans with our silly little cars?
one other question for all these global warming advocates. how can it be that mars is experiencing the same polar cap melt as the planet? could all the martians be driving suburbans and expeditions?


well is it just me or are we all being asked to turn off our lights when we leave a room to help battle this problem? and yet if you pass through your local high street any time it's closed you will see hundreds of sighs and shop windows all lit up like christmas trees! surely these neon signs and lights don't need to be on at midnight who are they meant to be enticing into the shop if the shop is closed? i say make them turn them all off and we can save a shed load of electricity and natural resources thus helping fight the global warming problem!

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