How much are the fees for a vehicle that is towed by the local police?

My roommate's Jeep just got towed.
Short story version: Jeep is needing a new clutch. Tags are up to date. Jeep was being moved daily. He got a 72 hour notice, he moved it. Today, our neighbor said there as a police officer next to it. I went to take a look, it's gone.

Just wondering what the costs are going to be like.


I don't believe there are any tickets, at least for this last year.
It is parked on a residential street, and there are cars that look like bigger eyesores than this Jeep.
Thanks for the answers.

Dog Lover2007-09-26T12:44:10Z

Favorite Answer

It will very upon location and local ordinance and state laws. Every State and City has laws that say the maximum that a tow company can charge when towing a vehicle for the police as an "impound".

In my city, the tow fee is $120.00 (set fee) and then 2.00 bucks a mile. They then also charge storage fees of 20 bucks a day. All of THAT money goes to the tow company.

You need to call the police and find out where it is and get it out asap. These fees will add up quick and they will want all money in cash, up front before they release it.

It you just leave the vehicle there, after a time approved by law (usually 30 to 90 days) they (tow company) will apply to have the title transferred to they as abandoned and then they will own the vehicle and sell it.

It was towed as a parking violation / abandoned in the first place. So, don't just bring it back or its going to get hauled again.


Most in-town tows are going to run between $60-100. The best advice to go get it as quickly as you can, because the storage fees are what really add up quickly. Some places can charge up to $75/day! And that's in the suburbs! I don't know if you live in a city or not, but if so, I would have to think it would be even more expensive.

ON top of that would be if the Jeep was impounded. Those fees would be above and beyond the tow and the storage.... It's not a good outlook I am afraid. While different municipalities have different costs associated with them, they won't be cheap!

Sorry to hear of the problem!

kathy s2007-09-26T12:38:58Z

At least a hundred for the tow shop. I don't know what the ticket is going to be. Were you parked near a traffic light or fire hydrant? Were you blocking someone's drive? It sounds more like you have neighbor problems. As long as you are moving the vehicle and not parking in an illegal zone, they should have left you alone. Me thinks there is more to this story.

Barry C2007-09-26T12:39:06Z

I have had my car booted or towed many times, including a Jeep I once had.

The fees will vary by jurisdiction. Expect to have to pay any past-due parking fines and late penalties.

Best way to get a specific answer is simpy to call the municipal impound lot where the car was taken.

Connie B2007-09-26T12:37:22Z

Depends on the agency. Probably have to pay any outstanding tickets, plus the towing fee (may be $120-150-at a guess--if large city), plus a daily fee, for each day there.

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