How would I say "Yes, I like to listen to music" in French?

Is it
"Oui, j'aime ècouter de la musique"?


I forgot to add:
Did I spell it right?

Charly pue2007-09-26T18:20:32Z

Favorite Answer

Tout va bien mais l'accent de écouter est aigu é, pas grave è

Marco R2007-09-26T18:16:20Z

You have it almost 100% correct. The accent is going the wrong way. :P

"Oui, j'aime écouter de la musique."

You need an "accent aigu" instead of an "accent grave."


yes that is correct! Only one small small error....the accent on the E in ecouter is going the wrong way. You need to use an accent aigu instead of accent grave.