Can we say a little prayer?

My husband is a deputy sheriff. We just found out that one of his fellow deputies, killed himself. (I am pasting the article below) Please can we just pause and say a prayer for him? Thank you.
The Caroline County Sheriff’s Office is deeply saddened to announce the death of Deputy Leonard W. Reel, age 23, at approximately 12:30 p.m. The tragic set of events which culminated in Deputy Reel’s untimely death began on September 24, 2007. On that date at approximately 4:40 p.m., Reel’s girlfriend, Elizabeth C. “Liz” Ryan, age 23, was killed in a single vehicle crash on Nelson Hill Road. Deputy Reel was one of the first emergency responders to arrive on the scene of this crash.

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It doesn't it say it in the article but they had a two year old, who was in the car with the mom but had only minor injuries.


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we all need to say a prayer that will help the whole families on both sides of the child left thankful for the ones we do have with us and tell them we love them so that when something like this happens that we don't feel like something was left condolences for all concerned.


That is so sad and I am so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to the department. I especially feel saddened for their two year old who is left now with no mom and dad............I'm so sorry, but I think it was a selfish act for that young man to kill himself and abandon his baby that way no matter what. God forbid anything should ever happen to my husband, but I still have children that need a parent.


How sad! I will say a prayer. I wish you hadn't mentioned they had a two year old. It hurts my heart when a parent kills themselves and leaves a child behind. I wish he had loved the child enough to go on. I'm not judging, you never know what your reaction to a tragedy will be until it happens. I will say a prayer for him as well as his child.


I'll pray with you, for the death of Leonard W. Reel and his family


That is so sad. My thoughts are with all the family and friends of this young man. May they find support and healing in the days ahead.

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