Did you ever get 62 points for 1 Best Answer?

2 points for answering
10 points for being chosen as Best
1 point for each Thumbs Up - maximum of 50 for a question

So by remembering to thumb UP we will all benefit from extra points for our best answers

30+ thumbs up is common is some catagories


oops - and may i add you should only thumb-up deserving questions as per the community guidelines


Favorite Answer

No, but lets try it ! Everybody that answers or reads these answers give a thumbs up to everybody else.



wow...it would have taken 1 day to think and 1 hour to type. It is a good set of questions not only for politicians but also for all of us


No. It is possible but I never got that many ponts.
I think 14 points (NOT including the 2 for answering) was the best I got once.

Good question.


No. Not even close. I think the most thumbs up for a best answer I've gotten is five.

Candi Apples2007-10-01T09:44:46Z

Yes I have,months ago when I got a best answer in regards to Paris Hilton.

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