Anybody here affected by the recent GAP Inc. date breach?

Are you one of the 800,000 applicants whose perfonal information (including SSN) is exposed due to GAP's irresponsibility? What should you do if you were one of them?


*DATA breach

Are you one of the 800,000 applicants whose perfonal information (including SSN) is exposed due to GAP's irresponsibility? What should you do if you were one of them?


Thanks for your replies. I am actually one of you. I had been searching online what to do about it, my husband even contacted a lawyer, but the lawyer he talked to said that we can't do anything unless we suffer from any loss. Geez! It means we don't have a choice but to let it go in hopes that we don't suffer from any loss? Do you think that is fair?


Favorite Answer

i just got a letter today & i freaked. like im only 15 & stolen identity already?


Unfortunately I am one of those affected. I want to sue them so damn bad. You don't know how upset I am.