I sent myself spam???

I keep getting spam from myself. It is caught in the bulk folder, but I always look over the bulk folder just in case.

I checked my sent folder and the email was not in there, so no one logged onto my account and sent it, but tagged the email as if I sent it..
How do they do this?

Rick G2007-10-04T05:31:46Z

Favorite Answer

it's funny, i think spammers can attach somehow and see your contacts, and it may have looped back around to you from you. i once got a ED ad forwarded with the subject line "it worked for me" from the owner of the company... he is like a 70 year old man...maybe it was legit??? lol...

scott p2007-10-03T22:00:35Z

I would like to know that too and how do i get e-mail from 1991 and 2038 and why just to jan 18 2038 is that the day the world ends?


you will think of that somebody construction a junk mail filter out in a "severe point programming language" would be waiting to create an consumer-friendly SMTP engine to deliver out digital mail that spoofed sender addresses. In any experience, purely bypass to all those 'unfastened stuff' web content and fill out their information superhighway types that ask on your digital mail address. you would be getter a lot of junk mail splendid away.