if people stop purchasing enlargement pills will my spam stop?
are people that ashamed of their size? These male enhancement pill spam emails are pouring in 10 per hour. Someone has to be buying them to fund the agressive advertisement campaign.
I think I will advertise an enhancement pill of my own for a penny each. Instead of enlarging like it advertises, it will actually make things shrink. Maybe then people will stop buying them.
Rick G2007-10-04T05:26:13Z
Favorite Answer
there was talk of charging like 1/10 of a penny per email sent, it was apposed by most, i was all for it, for how many emails i send it would have cost me about 10 cents a month, but these spammers who send out tens of thousands a day, would likely stop. the emails are computer generated, thosands maybe hundreds of thousands a hour, so even if one shmuk orders out of a thousand it is good marketing, but if they have to pay to send, then maybe spam would not be so profitable, and they would quit... and for the record, i dont care how big mine is, i mean i may not reach bottom, but i am sure the hell gonna bang hell out of the sides.
I will take some of the shrinking pill, maybe them i will stop hurting the girl i am with, lol. I know that couple of months ago they got this one guy for spam e-mail and sent him to jail, this spam really does cost yahoo money to keep this spam at bay. My spam went down after they got him but i think some one just took his place.
flow on your mail and open your mail out of the inbox once you spot the kind of mail and you do not % to work out it to any extent further like what you assert. Then click on unsolicited mail it fairly is going to deliver it to a folder it is on your mail setup. in an effort to try this flow on your mail and interior the remarkable corner seek for ideas click on it and then seek for BLOCKED handle click on it and in a container could be that handle which NOW would be blocked and you shouldn't receive them returned, in case you do its from somebody else then do them comparable to and all of us else you do not % to receive from.