Answers Problems?

When I try to vote on answers, I can only vote on 2 before I get cut off and I can't go forward to see another answer...
Is Answers still having maintenence problems?


Favorite Answer

Even while trying to Answer Questions yesterday and the day-before, I had also faced such problems : Each time, I was able to see the 'Preview' forms of my Answers, but whenever I tried to post them, I only got the same 'Error' messages that this could not be done !
...After 3 such failed attempts, I just sighed 'Boohoo, Yahoo!', and gave up !


yep all day I have been experiencing the same ordeal I wish they would have an 800 # that we could call cause I sure am tired of not getting help with real problems on here


I have not faced any such problems here, with Yahoo! Answers, Australia.
Here's hoping your probs are all solved by now.

Experto Credo2007-10-05T03:06:22Z

They are still having them. I have had a few questions cut off to me with that 999Error junk


i guess that's a roger, good buddy.