The insanity plea?

Couldn't it be easy to say that the most horrible criminals out there are insane? A woman who cuts a baby out of a womb, anyone the murders someone just because they want to kill someone but most of all pedophiles. It must take a really insane mind to want to have sex with a child or touch a child sexually? I would guess to say that person is mentally ill. It seems most of the time when a parent kills their child it is an insanity plea to? Insane or not don't you think Insane people deserve same punishment as sane? Get them on meds yes while in prison. I know alot of people that have mental illness but still no right from wrong. Does anyone else feel the insanity plea is abused and they deserve the same sentence regardless of their mental state? I am not talking about developmentally disabled individuals I am talking about people with mental illness. They can easily get out of prison and go off their meds and do it again.


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Everyone should be punished the same but unfortunately some judges are softer then others I think.


Yes, I agree that the insane should get the maximum punishment, which, I don't think is harsh enough. What I always wonder is, when did all of this insanity start? Prisons never used to be as crowded as they are now. Something has been happening for years to our population. I just can't get it figured out. They shouldn't let these people off so easily. I know of a guy that steals repeatedly. He steals from the very young and the very old. They put him into prison for a year, with no counseling, let him out, and he does it again. Our system definitely needs some improvement. I hope that it happens before our kids grow up. It worries me.

True Blue Brit2007-10-05T04:02:23Z

Personally, I think that if you have committed a crime, then you pay the cost. Insanity shouldn't come into it.
I saw an interesting programme on paedophiles in an American prison. It was on castration, chemical or physical. It was horribly interesting. The psychologist said that many of the men were so unable to control themselves that they would masturbate openly in a group setting. Listening to some of the paedophiles themselves, they all said it was an uncontrollable urge, an affliction. Those castrated said they felt relieved and free of the urge to have sex with a child.
I don't know if I have any more sympathy for them - sometimes we have to accept that there is evil in our society. But it certainly opened my eyes to how dangerous they are. And yes, pay for your crimes.
It might not be your fault, but neither is it your victim's.


I hold the minority position here. I feel that "Mental Illness" makes a person far more likely to re-offend. Mental illness strikes me as one of the only reasons for capitol punishment. If a persons behavior can't be changed then it really has to be stopped.


the biggest one i will think of of is that contained in the state i'm from the call would be accountable yet insane so rather of serving say 5 years you ought to be locked up in psychological scientific institution for something of your life it relies upon on what the psych crew says. additionally in case you without warning grow to be sane then it rather is proper over to state pen for relax of sentence.

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