Corporate Give-Aways?

What do you think is the most practical and inexpensive gift as corporate give-aways to the clients that will be appreciated? I am in the stockmarket industry.


Sorry forgot to indicate for Christmas


Please include for 50th anniversary too

Jay Hamilton-Roth2007-10-06T05:41:45Z

Favorite Answer

A great return on their investment.

Otherwise, I'd tie in your business with your giveaway. For example, a book for tracking budget. A discount for airline tickets. Free movie passes. Think things that save people money as opposed to pens, calendars, diaries, etc.

maribeth t2007-10-08T14:28:42Z

For an inexpensive christmas gift, I will suggest a christmas e-mail greeting card with your family picture onit plus a personalized greeting coming right from your heart.

For the 50th anniversarry, choose from the following:
1. 50.00 cash bonus for every year of service or employment for all of your employees.
2. Gold Medal for the best employee
3. Plaque of Appreciation for Achievers
4. Gift Certificates
5. Insurance Policies- Life or Non-life

Mrs. Fixit2007-10-06T18:36:01Z

I don't know what you consider inexpensive. $5 , $35 . Anyway I think for about $35 you can have a 24" fresh wreath shipped directly to your clients from Oregon. Many kids can be selling these as fundraisers for their clubs . You can kill 2 birds with one stone . help out a kid and get your shopping done!