how do i get in touch with a good womens civil rights attorney?
my wife needs a good civil rights attorney that will help her put away her ex husband that has been stalking and threatening her and who has been convicted for domestic violence twice and protect her daughter from having vistiation with this abusive person. the judge here in colorado is not a very good one for sure and cares less about females and protecting children from harm.
Favorite Answer
Unfortunately many who answer these types of questions either are extremely misinformed or just do not "get" family courts. Do some research using these key words - domestic violence, court errors, abuser (all of these terms). You should be able to find help that way. Also look for Justice For Children, Kourts For Kids, Stop Family Violence (.org not .com). These are all sites that deal with exactly what you are specifying. Your wife might get lucky and be able to protect her children, but I am among too many moms who have tried protecting our child and have been unable to do so because of courts biases. A lot also depends on where you live and your state statutes on how child custody will work. If you are unfortunate to live in a state which depends upon "friendly parent" statutes, best of luck to you. Get an attorney and if the abuse is serious enough try contacting Stop family violence or Kourt for Kids.
You probably don't need a civil rights atty; hey specalize in discrimination, sexual harrassment, whistleblowing (mre workplave type things). I would look in youryello pages, or look for the Bar Association website for your state. Likely a general attorney or one who specializes in family/domestic issues would be best. Many will offer free consultation. Also if you check our the kasamba website, there are experts tehre they ay be able to help you.