I don't understand how the police in Phoenix, Arizona can be considered trained professionals?

I thought all law enforcement officers were trained to recognize a medical emergency. They should know that in the situation of that lady that was arrested in the airport should have received immediate crisis intervention. Why didn't they take her straight to the hospital? It seems so obvious that she needed medical attention not jail. If she was having a heart attack would they have taken her to jail? Why are they not taught that mental conditions that may effect behavior are MEDICAL conditions as well, that need treatment?


As far as I know all the information is based on the story given by the police. Do they have her on video strangling herself, which seems impossible to me. All my life, I have heard of people hanging themselves while in jail in Mississippi. I know one thing most people don't believe these were all cases of suicide. Strangling herself is a ridiculous assumption. If the police were not at fault which is my first thought then my second thought would be a seizure that caused death. However, it should all be on video and until I see proof that the police were not responsible other than being ignorant of medical issues that can cause irrational behavior, I will believe that they killed her. In Mississippi, people know that the police are not to be trusted just because they have a position of power. They can make a mistake and lie about it.


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Sorry, peaches, but I've got to disagree with this one.

Everyone has a cop for a friend. Ask a cop what he'd do in the situation.

If you've never seen anyone totally out of control emotionally then you wouldn't know what the cops deal with. Chances are they wanted to hit her in the face with a bucket of cold water or slap her like they do in the movies to snap her out of it, but that's illegal.

Sometimes people need time to freak out and burn off their emotions. Then they calm down, exhausted, and you can talk to them.

I have three kids... I see it all the time. Sometimes you've got to let them have a fit.

Imagine how the cops feel right now... they saw the woman and tried to talk to her. They met her. They knew they were in charge. They did what they thought was best, instead of fighting her. It's not their fault the lady was an alcoholic and burned out too many brain cells to deal with life. They did their best.

Your remark is harsh name-calling. I understand how many people are angry, but you and I don't really know what happened.

Calling the Phoenix police "unprofessional", which is what you did, smacks of arrogance.


Unfortunately then they have to play the role of a physician. I can understand your outrage because the Police HAD been put on notice by the husband that she had had a medical condition and that she was suicidal. They had been told not once but 4 times. The thing is why didn't a member of her own family go with her on the flight to the rehab center? I think there is blame to go around on both sides and a woman is dead because of it.


Unfortunately, the majority of the time, when an officer is faced with an uncooperative person, the adrenaline flows and violence follows. If they haven't violated their department's Standard Operating Procedures, then they're off the hook. The SOPs need to be reviewed by an independent commission and training needs to be expanded to teach that everyone an officer encounters is not trying to kill him or her.


they didnt send her to jail, they just had her in restraints at the airport, i do agree what happend sucks, they should have recognized that she was having behavorial problems and probably should of had someone monitoring her the entire time, instead of just checking up on her every 10 minutes, but how it their fault that she tried to get out of her restraints and accidentally strangled herself?!


20 20 hindsight is always perfect

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