seperated for a bit and getting back together??

My husband and I seperated nearly two months ago and I'm gonna be moving back in with him here pretty soon (as soon as he has somewhere for me to come back too) and I was just wondering how in the world are we gonna be able to make this harsh transition with the kids and everything?? I'm living in a different state right now with the kids. is there a way to make this transition easier on us all so we don't end up in the same rut we were before?? we won't really have the option of staying in seperate places so we can kinda date and reconnect....we will just be immediatly living together makes me nervous.


Favorite Answer

hello darlin, i know that this is a scary decesion for everyone, but since you are going to try and make it work all i can say is just pay attention, re-connect through communication, and remember why you two fell in love. patience, dedication, and the endless effort to better your communications. also, try this link. it can help you. all the best.

Coconut Guy2007-10-07T22:34:26Z

Don't worry. You'll be alright. Things will be fine if you take it one day at a time. It seems that you're both trying to mend your relationship and that's great news! Take it slowly and carefully. Be good to each other.

Some other tips since you're a bit nervous at the moment:

1. Smile and smile all the time with him. Be happy with him.

2. Compromise and be kind with each other. Learn to listen and understand each other's feelings.

3. Never give up. Your children are the passport to your future. Hold on to them with love and care by loving your husband each day.

4. Go to church or wherever your place of worship is and pray for each other. God will help you and open up bridges for you.

Don't worry. Follow these steps and we're all here for you!


i would be a bit nervous as well. good that you are trying to work things out but you should not just walk back in the marriage with out at least fiqure out if this really going to
work out, there are children involved. and this might not be
a good thing for them or you. keep things simple for right
now, and let him know how you feel about just jumping back
in the sadlle so to speak; it better to be safe then sorry.