Where is non-ethanol gasoline available near Chicago?

Do you know of anywhere that they sell non-gasohol gasoline near Chicago? I hear that even the Stabil-ized stuff does not winter very well.

Please -- answer only if you know. Your opinion (a opposed to a fact) only screws up this forum. I'm not asking for an opinion! Thanks.


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To the best of my knowledge, and I supply gasoline to retailers in Chicago, the entire Chicago area is an RFG zone. RFG is reformulated gasoline and has 10% ethanol as an oxygenate to comply with EPA Clean Air Act guidelines.

You'll have to get out of the metro area, out of Lake and Cook counties for sure, to even have a chance at non-ethanol gasoline, but I don't know of any retailers not using ethanol as their oxygenate anymore.

I know you're looking for sources, but I don't think there are any left since 2006. Once the gov't removed the protection from MTBE, all the majors switched over to ethanol and once we switched, the minor players would have to follow suit.

brandie v2007-10-08T14:20:01Z

I think if you go to the osha website it lists available stations in your area.